dr hab. Michał Borodo, Associate Professor
Identifying data
Interests: Translation Studies, the translation of children’s and young adults’ literature, audiovisual translation, the translation of comics, non-professional translation (scanlation, fansubbing), translator training, CAT tools
E-mail: michal.borodo@ukw.edu.pl
Room: 7
Personal Page: ukw.academia.edu/MichalBorodo, Michał Borodo (researchgate.net)
Research Interests
translation studies, translation of children’s and young adults’ literature
translation, globalization and glocalization
audiovisual translation, translation of comics
non-professional translation (scanlation, fansubbing)
translator training, CAT tools
research languages: English, Polish, French
Academic Education
Dr hab., Linguistics, Kazimierz Wielki University, 2021
Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Gdańsk, 2008
M.A. in English, Nicholas Copernicus University, Toruń, 2003
Academic Appointments
Associate Professor, Faculty of Linguistics, Kazimierz Wielki University, 2021-
Assistant Professor, Institute of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics, Kazimierz Wielki University, 2008-2021
Teaching Assistant, Institute of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics, Kazimierz Wielki University, 2003-2008
Administrative Functions
Head of Postgraduate Certification Program in Translation and Interpreting, Institute of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics, Kazimierz Wielki University, 2011-2021
Esteem Measures: Honors, Grants, Awards
Second Class Group Award for Outstanding Didactic Achievements, 2010
Medal Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, 2018
Research Projects
Matt, Kaytek and Billy or What Happened to Polish Children’s Literature in English Translation, 2018-
Translators’ Discursive Strategies in English Translations of Polish Children’s Literature, 2015-2017
Language, Translation and Globalization, 2012-2014
Between the Global and the Local: Translations for Children in Turn-of-the Century Poland, 2004-2008
Book Publications
Borodo, M. (2020) English Translations of Korczak's Children's Fiction. A Linguistic Perspective. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 247.
Borodo, M., Mianowski, J., P. Schreiber, eds. (2019) Memory, Identity and Cognition: Explorations in Culture and Communication. Cham: Springer.
Borodo, M. (2017) Translation, Globalization and Younger Audiences: The Situation in Poland. Oxford: Peter Lang.
Borodo, M., House, J. i Wachowski, W., eds. (2017) Moving Texts, Migrating People and Minority Languages. Singapore: Springer.
Borodo, M., Kovecses, Z., i Wachowski, W., eds. (2017) Zooming in: Micro-scale perspectives on cognition, translation and cross-cultural communication. Oxford: Peter Lang.
Borodo M., Hubscher-Davidson, S., eds. (2012) Global Trends in Translator and Interpreter Training: Mediation and Culture. London/New York: Continuum.
Special Issues
Special issue of inTRAlinea: Reimagining Comics - The Translation and Localization of Visual Narratives (2023)
Special issue of Zeszyty komiksowe: Tłumacząc komiksy (2023, with Jakub Jankowski)
Book Chapters
Borodo, Michał. 2022. "Non-professional translators and the media". Esperança Bielsa (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Media. London: Routledge. 432-445.
Borodo, Michał. 2022. "Język powieściowy Janusza Korczaka w warunkach peerelowskiej cenzury". Krzysztof Kołatka, Andrzej S. Dyszak (eds). Polszczyzna w różnych jej aspektach. Miscellanea lingwistyczne i varia. Bydgoszcz: UKW, pp. 51-65.
Borodo, Michał. 2021. "Swearing, Smoking, Spitting, Spanking: On Translators' Treatment of Several 'Inexcusably Bad Habits' in the English Translations of Janusz Korczak's Król Maciuś Pierwszy". Joanna Dybiec-Gajer, Agnieszka Gicala (eds) Mediating Practices in Translating Children's Literature. Tackling Controversial Topics. Berlin: Peter Lang. pp. 249-265.
Borodo, Michał. 2021. "Non-professional translators in the context of globalization" Esperança Bielsa, Dionysios Kapsaskis (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Globalization. London: Routledge. pp. 190-201.
Borodo, M. (2020) "Better watch it, mate" and "Listen 'ere, lads". The cultural specificity of the English translation of Janusz Korczak's classic "Król Maciuś Pierwszy", Jan Van Coillie, Jack McMartin (eds) Children's Literature in Translation. Texts and Contexts. Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 179-195.
Borodo, M. (2019) Mountains of Whipped Cream, King Matt and the Discursive Presence of the Translator, Jacek Mianowski, Michał Borodo, Paweł Schreiber (eds) Memory, Identity and Cognition: Explorations in Culture and Communication. Cham: Springer. pp. 45-59.
Borodo, M. (2017) “Translation and Migration: Children’s Literature Authors, Translators and Publishers on the Move”, Moving Texts, Migrating People and Minority Languages, M. Borodo, J. House & W. Wachowski, Eds, Singapore: Springer. 153-165.
Borodo, M. (2016) “Children’s Fiction, Translation and Explicitation: The Case of Janusz Korczak’s 1933 Classic Kaytek the Wizard in English Translation”, Księga pamiątkowa z okazji 40-lecia pracy akademickiej Profesora Wojciecha Kubińskiego. P. Gorszczyńska, W. Karwacka, Eds, Gdańsk: Części proste, 398-414.
Borodo, M. (2015) “Billy and Casp: Rediscovering forgotten translations in Polish-English cultural exchanges”, in: John Bull and the Continent, W. Jasiakiewicz, J. Lipski, eds, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, pp.75-88.
Borodo, M. (2011) “Horrible Histories in Poland: The Global Non-Fiction Series Translated and Glocalized”, in: Into the Past: Studies in Literature and Culture, P. Schreiber, ed., Bydgoszcz: UKW Press, pp. 125-138
Borodo, M. (2011) “The Regime of the Adult: textual manipulations in translated, hybrid, and glocal texts for young readers”, in: Language, Culture and the Dynamics of Age, A. Duszak i U. Okulska, eds, Berlin/New York: Mouton, pp.329-347.
Borodo, M. (2009) “Towards Translational Glocalities”, in: English Studies in Language, Literature and Culture, M. Walat, E. Wełnic i K. Wood, eds, Bydgoszcz: UKW Press, pp.11-27.
Borodo, M. (2006) “Between the Global and the Local: Child-Oriented Translation Today”, in: No Child Is An Island, P. Pinsent, ed., London: Pied Piper Publishing, pp. 138-154.
Borodo, M. (2006) “Children’s Literature Translation in Poland during the 1950s and the 1990s”, in: Changing Concepts of Childhood and Children’s Literature. V. Joosen i K. Vloeberghs, eds, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 169-182.
Select Papers (and Reviews)
Borodo, Michał. 2023. Thorgal speaks English. O amerykańskich i brytyjskich tłumaczeniach kultowej serii komiksowej. Zeszyty Komiksowe, 36. 46-55.
Borodo, Michał. 2023. Re-Imagining Comics Translation. Intralinea, Vol. 25, Special issue, art. no 2636.
Borodo, Michał & Wood, Karl. 2023. The Translation and Transcreation of Adventure Comics. Intralinea, Vol. 25, Special issue, art. no 2632.
Borodo, Michał. 2023. Obserwuję rosnące zainteresowanie przekładem komiksów. Z profesorem Federico Zanettinem rozmawiali Jakub Jankowski i Michał Borodo, tłumaczenie z angielskiego Michał Borodo. Zeszyty Komiksowe, 36. 26-33.
Borodo, Michał. 2021. „Król Maciuś Pierwszy, czyli polska powieść dla dzieci najczęściej tłumaczona na język angielski". Porównania, Vol. 28, no 1, pp. 443-462.
Borodo, M. (2018) “Translation, Localization and Foreignization: The Metamorphoses of a Comic Book about a Girl from the Socialist Bloc”, Across Languages and Cultures 19(1), 99-120.
Borodo, M. (2018) He Saw a Black Man in the Street, but Not a Cannibal. On Translation and Political Correctness, Przekładaniec 33, 94-110.
Borodo, M., (2017) “Klasyka komiksu europejskiego w przekładzie, czyli o polskich przemianach Thorgala Aegirssona”, Przekładaniec 34, 127-147.
Borodo, M., Sikorska M. (2017) “Książka obrazkowa w przekładzie na przykładzie twórczości Shauna Tana”, Przekładaniec 34, 53-69.
Borodo, M. (2016) “Widział na ulicy Murzyna, ale nie ludożercę: O tłumaczeniu i poprawności politycznej”, Przekładaniec 33, 196-213.
Borodo, M. (2016) “Exploring the Links between Comics Translation and AVT”, TranscUlturAl: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies 8(2) University of Alberta, pp. 68-85.
Borodo, M. (2015) “Multimodality, translation and comics”, Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 23(1), pp. 22-41.
Borodo, M. (2014) “The Sorceress Betrayed: Comics crossing cultures and changing accuracy standards”, Między Oryginałem a Przekładem 3(25), pp. 9-30.
Borodo, M. (2014) “Przekład, adaptacja i granice wyobraźni”, Przekładaniec 28, pp.179-194.
Borodo, M. (2013) “Adaptations in the age of globalization”, Przekładaniec 22-23 [issue in English], pp. 177-193.
Borodo, M. (2013) “Glocal Texts in the Cinema”, Translation Ireland, 19(1), pp. 27-42.
Borodo, M. (2012) Review of Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Challenges and Practices, ed. Łukasz Bogucki, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 6(1), pp.117-121.
Borodo, M. (2011) Review of Voice-over Translation: An Overview, eds Eliana Franco, Anna Matamala & Pilar Orero, Berlin: Peter Lang, 2010, Linguistics Applied 4, pp.211-215.
Borodo, M. (2011) “Adaptacje w dobie globalizacji”, Przekładaniec 22-23, pp. 205-219.
Borodo, M. (2010) Review of A Companion to Translation Studies, eds Piotr Kuhiwczak and Karin Littau, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 4(1), pp.118-124.
Borodo, M. (2009) Review of Across Boundaries: International Perspectives on Translation Studies, eds Dorothy Kenny and Kyongjoo Ryou, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 3(1), pp.180-186.
Borodo, M. (2006) “Children’s Literature Translation Studies? – zarys badań nad literaturą dziecięcą w przekładzie”, Przekładaniec 16, pp. 12-23.
Borodo, M. (2005) “Tracing Visibility in Translated Children’s Literature”, Translation Studies in the New Millennium 3, pp. 1-14.
Teaching: Courses Taught Regularly
Introduction to Translation (lecture)
Introduction to Translation (class)
Texts in Translation (class)
Translation of Children’s and Young Adults’ Literature (lecture)
M.A. Seminar in Translation Studies
B.A. Seminar in Translation Studies
Computer-Assisted Translation
Degree-Work Supervision
Supervisor of 136 B.A. theses (2010-2022)
Supervisor of 20 M.A. theses (2010-2022)
Degree-Work Reviewing
Reviewer of 253 M.A. theses (2010-2022)
Reviewer of 41 B.A. theses (2010-2022)
Invited Lectures
University of Warsaw, 18 May 2021, "Reimagining Comics: The Translation and Localization of Visual Narratives" <https://ia.uw.edu.pl/en/notices/details/reimagining-comics-the-translation-and-localization-of-visual-narratives>
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 7 April 2022, "Research Methods in Comics Translation" keynote lecture at 'Comics Translation School' in Lisbon.
“The Wonderland in Translation: Carnavalization vs. Colonization in the Polish Translations of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, paper presented at The First Dublin City University Postgraduate Conference In Translation Studies, Dublin City University, Ireland, March 2004.
“From Inside to Outside of the Story”, paper presented at The Child and the Book, University of Antwerp, Belgium, April 2005.
“Children’s Literature Translation in Turn-of-the-Century Poland”, paper presented at No Child is an Island, Roehampton University, London, 12 November 2005.
“Communicating the Cultural Other: Changing Norms in Translators’ Treatment of Child-Oriented Texts”, paper presented at Communicating Across Age Groups, “Globe”, University of Warsaw, 21-23 September 2006.
“Narodziny tłumacza amatora”, paper presented at Imago Mundi, University of Warsaw, 28-29 May 2010.
“The Rise of the Amateur Translator”, paper presented at the Tracks and Treks in Translation Studies congress, University of Leuven, Belgium, 23-25 September 2010.
“Horrible Histories in Poland – the Global Non-fiction Series Translated and Glocalized”, paper presented at (Re)visions of History in Language and Fiction, Nicholas Copernicus University, Toruń, 19 November 2010.
“Audiovisual Glocal Texts”, paper presented at Old Challenges, New Horizons PASE (Polish Association for the Study of English) conference, Jagiellonian University, 19-21 April 2012.
“Comic Books in Translation: the Polish translations of Thorgal as a case in point”, paper presented at Talk Action Interaction, University of Łódź, 4-5 October 2012.
“Komiks w przekładzie na przykładzie”, paper presented at Przekład w kulturze, Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna, Bielsko-Biała, 20-21 June 2013.
“Exploring the Links between AVT and Comics Translation”, paper presented at Interdisciplinary Approaches to Translation (InATra), Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, 27-28 March 2014.
“Comic books as glocal texts: the Polish superhero genre as a case in point”, paper presented at Word and Image Crossovers, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, 29-30 September 2014.
“Translation, Migration and Comics”, paper presented at The First International Translingua Conference, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, 24-25 September 2015.
“Translation, Foreignization and Localization: A comic book about a girl from the socialist block”, paper presented at Women in Translation, Jan Kochanowski University, 14-15 October 2015.
“Translation, Glocalization and Glocal Texts”, paper presented at Translation and the Creative Industries, University of Westminster, London, 7-8 October 2016.
“Applying the Methods of Corpus Based Translation Studies to Translated Children’s Literature”, paper presented at Translation Studies and Children’s Literature – Current Topics and Future Perspectives organized by University of Leuven and University of Antwerp in Brussels and Antwerp, Belgium, 19-20 October 2017.
"Swearing, Smoking, Spitting, Spanking: On Translators' Treatment of Several 'Inexcusably Bad Habits' in the English Translations of Janusz Korczak's Król Maciuś Pierwszy", paper presented at From Morals to the Macabre in Translation for Children organized by Pedagogical University of Kraków, 4-5 April 2018.
‘Better watch it, mate’ and ‘Listen ‘ere lads’: The Cultural Specificity of the English Translation of Janusz Korczak’s Classic Król Maciuś Pierwszy, paper presented at „Różnorodność kulturowa w literaturze dla dzieci i młodzieży - przekład i recepcja”, UAM, Poznań, 10-11 January 2019.
"From Klingberg's Map to the Oslo Congress: On the evolution of research on translation for younger audiences", X Kongres EST (European Society for Translation Studies), OsloMet & University of Oslo, 22-25 June 2022.
Professional Organizations
European Society for Translation Studies (EST)
Polish Section of IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People)